Friday, December 31, 2010 | By: Unknown

Freelance Writing Family - Helping Rissa

There's no better way to kick of this blog than to highlight what a freelance writing family is about and to help a fellow writer and friend as she battles for her life against Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL).

Rissa went to the hospital a bit over a week ago in a lot of pain. We hoped it wasn't serious and she'd soon be on her way home. A few million vials of blood and bone marrow biopsy later, the news came, she has ALL. Within an hour, her freelance writing family at Y!CN had mobilized to begin raising money for the massive medical bills she faces down the road. By the end of the day and into the next, t-shirts had been made, blog posts written and articles posted for Rissa.

While her family struggles to absorb the news and doctors do what they do best, her writing family is spreading the news far and wide on ways to help her. Helping offset medical costs will lift one thing off their shoulders so they can concentrate on getting Rissa better and kicking cancer's ass. Stop by Be A Match to find out more about ALL. 

I'm proud to be a part of such a huge, loving freelance writing family. The people I've met are some of the best in the world. It's comforting to know there are people who will do whatever it takes, use their skills and tap contacts to go to bat to help a fellow writer.

If you'd like to help Rissa, here's how:

Take a minute to visit the Give Forward website where a page has been made for Rissa to donate money toward her medical bills. The goal is $25,000. Stop by and donate, no amount is too small.

Twin Trinity Media is donating $1 for every physical book sold and .25 cents for digital downloads. Payments from sales will be made daily and three of the books for sale are building royalties for her.

Purchase a Leukemia Ninja t-shirt or a Freelancers Stick Together t-shirt. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to Rissa. Love & Hope Leukemia Support t-shirts are available. Check out what the back of it says. Thanks to Randy Barefoot for them.

Courtesy of Circle 8 Writers, you can purchase a Cancer Doesn't Scare Ninjas t-shirt.  All of the money from the sales of Cancer doesn't scare ninjas items will be donated to Rissa.

Stop by and check out Rissa's Y!CN Profile. You're bound to find an article or two you want to read.

Blog Posts and Articles

Writers help friend with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia - You can help too!

Help AC Writer Rissa Watkins Kick Leukemia's Butt! 

Help Me Help Rissa

Sometimes even Writerish People feel Helpless

Buy a Book, Help a Writer 

Help a Writer Battle Cancer


Unknown said...


Suz Alicie said...

I told you I'd be here to read this once I didn't have to worry about messing up my makeup. Smart choice I made there last night, lol I'm crying in my coffee on the first day of the new year. But while there are sad tears for Rissa there are also tears of amazement at our wonderful writerish family. We sure do have some great people!

Anonymous said...

Aha- was looking for this post to add to mine when I blogged last night, but was kinda out of it when I was typing it and couldn't remember where to find this.

Thank you for having everything in one place and a HUGE thank you to you for writing this and for everyone who has been so amazing to me and my family. I love you guys! and am so proud to call you friends.