Monday, April 4, 2011 | By: Unknown

Disruptions in the Writerly World

Well, moving and then not having services like, ohhh, internet not hooked up keep one from doing anything. This is where I find myself at the moment. Actually, for the past week. I'm very sorry for the regularly scheduled programs being off the air for the past week, but the good news is everything should, I say should, be hooked up and running tomorrow morning.

Some of you already know I've been offline, this is for anyone who didn't see my FB messages when I could finally leave one last week. Freelance Friday, Saturday Stumblings and Shiny Object Sunday will return as scheduled this long as Comcast does its part and gets stuff hooked up tomorrow now that the cable line is finally buried.

I'm off for the moment, and will get caught up when I'm chillin' on my couch surfing the web again. Cross your fingers everyone! Sending some really, really good, "go smooth" vibes and if you so choose, a few prayers wouldn't hurt.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Glad you're back on track. Don't forget the A to Z Challenge started last Friday.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the reminder. I'm going to get to work ASAP and get caught up on that starting today. Thank goodness it's only been a few days! :-)

Hart Johnson said...

Urgh! What frustrating timing! I feel like the demand for me to be online with this insane blogfest has been huge! I hope you are really back at it so you can join the fun!