Thursday, April 7, 2011 | By: Unknown

A Flurry of Words and A Special Thank You

Later today there will come a flurry of words flying from my fingers. I needed to devote yesterday to working on making money. The week without internet has put me behind, but I'm not out. I'll be posting my A to Z Challenge blog posts as fast as I can get them typed up, while striving to make the moola.

Freelance Friday's this month will still happen, they'll just be devoted to the letter that falls on that day. Stick around to find out how that's going to work. Same goes for Saturday Stumblings, which will be devoted to the letter of the day as well as Motivated Monday.

It was a rough day for me physically, so a comment left on my last blog post from Deirdra Eden-Coppel, awarding me the Powerful Woman Writer Award, completely made my day. I have a shiny new page tab at the top labeled Awards if you want to take a peek at the awesome art work on the award. I have artist envy because I can make a stick person look funny. Go check out her site, A Storybook World. Thank you so much for my very first award, for making my day and the boost it gave me.