Friday, March 18, 2011 | By: Unknown

Freelance Friday

I was working on some articles earlier and pondering what I'd do for today's blog post. Inspiration struck as I was commenting in a group on Facebook. Gotta love ideas that strike out of the blue like that. So, Freelance Friday is born!

Each Friday I'll choose four fellow writers and highlight their blogs and profiles on different sites. You may or may not already know them. If you don't, you'll find some new reading material and decide to follow their work and/or blogs. If you know someone, or you yourself, who wants to be featured, send me an email, subject line: Freelance Friday to Include links to writing profiles around the web and blogs. Without further ado, let's me today's fantastic freelancers.

First up is John Myers. He joined the Yahoo! Contributor Network/Associated Content in June 2007. John's YCN profile is filled with articles on music, recipes, honest, heartfelt stories about his life and those of his students, as well as a story series, The Misadventures of Johnny Driver, which debuted in August 2009 and now has it's own site, The Misadventures of Johnny Driver blog, and much more. He never fails to entertain. John has a blog, John's World, detailing the happenings in his life personal and writing wise, along with the ever present music in his song for the day posts. You can also find his work on Examiner as the Long Island Gay Issues Examiner and the Long Island City Guide Examiner. I'm sure you'll come to love John as a writer and as a person as much as I do.

Next up is Langley Cornwell. Langley is also a YCN/AC writer who joined about the same time I did, March 2009. On Langley's YCN profile you'll find content related to health, pets, news, local and many more informative articles to read. Visit her List My 5 profile for a variety of informative and not so serious subjects such as Ways to Recognize a Leprechaun along with quotes, music and food. Stop by her brand new blog Langley Writes to get to know the person behind the words.

Sherri Thornhill is an all around nice person as well as being a great writer. According to Sherri's YCN profile she's a retired police officer and joined the site in April 2009. From tattoos, to Texas happenings, opinion, news and music, she keeps us entertained and informed. Sherri Thornhill Freelance is her new site, the go to place if you'd like to hire her for projects. Sherri is also found on Examiner as the Kaufman County Crime Examiner and the Generation X Examiner. If you haven't given her articles a read, what are you waiting for?

Last, but certainly not least is Saoirse O'Mara. I met her on Facebook and she is a very funny, smart woman. She wandered onto a post of mine one night to find herself caught in the middle of a stuffed animal fight, which she gleefully joined in on after I lobbed the first stuffie at her as she laughed on the sidelines. Check out Saoirse's profile over at Bright Hub where she writes on topics such as language, health, gaming, business, storage solutions and much more. Her Language Love blog is entertaining as well as informative. I enjoy learning new things everyday. Saoirse mixes humor in her writing life blog, at Saoirse's Crazy World. Pay a visit to her Cafe Press store Poetry of Dreams to find beautiful, scenic pictures on mugs, mouse pads, journals, magnets and other merchandise.

There you have it for today folks. Four brilliantly talented writers that I'm glad to know.


Marie Anne said...

What a neat idea, Karen! Good picks for the debut.

John said...

I'm both honored and humbled to be included in this cool series! Thanks Karen!


Suz Alicie said...

What a great idea Karen, it's always good to learn more about the freelancers I know and to be introduced to some I have missed along the way!

Saoirse O'Mara said...

Oh wow, I'm completely baffled that you picked me too...thanks so much, Karen! I'm definitely following your blog now because I don't want to miss the next Freelance Friday's posts :)

Unknown said...

Thanks MA!

John, you are very welcome! I love your articles and do read though I don't comment. :-)

Saoirse, you're so welcome! Welcome aboard. Love your Language blog, you as a person and will buy some of those neat things in your shop as soon as I'm able. They are awesome! Hope I continue to be somewhat entertaining between Freelance Friday postings as well. lol


Langley Cornwell said...

Big thanks for including me in this Karen. You are an inspiration. And to be recognized with these other fine writers is an honor and a thrill.

Unknown said...

Awwww shucks Langley! You're welcome. It was my pleasure to feature each of you.